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Configure Browser Startup

Internally, vite-plugin-web-extension uses web-ext by Mozilla to open the browser and install the extension during development. It can open any Chromium-based browser (Chrome, Edge, etc) and Firefox.

You can configure it's startup behavior in two ways:

  1. Pass webExtConfig option into the plugin
  2. Use config files

Pass webExtConfig

This is a good option if you're OK with checking the config into version control (since you will have to list the config in vite.config.ts), or if you need to set something based on a runtime value, like an environment variable.

import { defineConfig } from "vite";
import webExtension from "vite-plugin-web-extension";

export default defineConfig({
  plugins: [
      // ...
      webExtConfig: {
        startUrl: [""],

Use Config Files

The plugin will automatically discover config files on your filesystem. Below are the paths that the plugin will look for config files at. When multiple files are found, they are merged into a single config.

The higher priority files (top of this list) are will override fields set by the lower priority files (bottom of the list).

  1. webExtConfig option
  2. <viteRoot>/.webextrc
  3. <viteRoot>/.webextrc.(json|json5|yml|yaml)
  4. <cwd>/.webextrc
  5. <cwd>/.webextrc.(json|json5|yml|yaml)
  6. ~/.webextrc
  7. ~/.webextrc.(json|json5|yml|yaml)

Array fields are overwritten, not combined in any way.

Here's an example: You prefer to use Chrome Beta and Firefox Developer Edition, so you want one of those to open during development. You can create a .webextrc file in your home directory, and any project that uses vite-plugin-web-extension will know to use those versions instead of the default versions!

// ~/.webextrc
  "chromiumBinary": "/Applications/Google Chrome Chrome Beta",
  "firefox": "firefoxdeveloperedition"

Released under the MIT License.